We're pleased to announce the release of ECLI 2.2.1! 🎉
⚠️ Reminder: If you use the P21 ECLI or LSAF integration, you must upgrade them to ECLI 2.2.x before or during your P21E 5.0.0 upgrade.
We specifically ensured that ECLI 2.2.x supports P21E 4.1.x, 4.2.x, and 5.0.0 for this reason.
You will likely find it easier to upgrade ECLI prior to your P21E 5.0.0 upgrade, instead of coupling both upgrades to be done at the same time.
ECLI 2.2.1 offers 7 changes over 2.2.0 📈
The majority of these changes now prevent undesired failures and errors. View the technical details here:
What's Next? 👣
Learn more in the Configuration & Administration collection.
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